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About Us

(WomenSpirit Coalition)
Sta'ni Shay'i

About Us

Washington State Native American Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (WomenSpirit Coalition) advocates for and promotes policy on behalf of member Tribal programs to ensure ...

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(Indigenous Crime Victim Services Referral and Resource Center)



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Staff at WSC and ICVSRRC are providing a full range of services. Contact us for more information!

Welcome to WomenSpirit Coalition

A message from the Founder and Executive Director of the Washington State Native American Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault- WomenSpirit Coalition. Dee Koester MS.

In 2002, WSC was conceived by a group of committed Native advocates and allies. The origins of WSC were steeped in excitement, hope, and the promise of making a difference in the lives of our people by speaking out about domestic violence and sexual assault.

Some 17 years later, we continue the good work. The organization has grown in maturity in understanding the issues of cultural oppression and how that affects the lives of our survivors and their ability to recover from abuse. WSC has also come to understand the complexity of holding batterers accountable while providing for batterers treatment and ensuring safety for victims and their families.

Our work has taken on many dimensions, especially concerning effective prosecution of the crimes of domestic violence and sexual assault. We continue our attention to parity in funding for law enforcement, courts, and victim service agencies. This past year we added Murdered and Missing Women (MMIW) initiatives to our service delivery system, along with the establishment of the Indigenous Crime Victim Services Referral and Resource Center (ICVSRRC) and the first initiative of educating about Identity Theft and Cybercrime.

Be safe, be well and the WSC team looks forward to our Journey together!

This website was produced by WomenSpirit Coalition under award # 2018 IW AX 0004, awarded by the Violence Against Women Office, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program Announcements

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